Facebook vs Google Ads: Selecting the Best Platform

Facebook vs Google Ads: Selecting the Best Platform

When it comes to digital advertising, the two 800-pound gorillas are undoubtedly Facebook Ads and Google Ads. As a social media strategy and analytics company, Social Think often gets asked by our clients which platform they should focus their ad budget on for maximum ROI and business results. The answer is – it depends on…

Cross Posting on Social Media: What is it & How it Works

Cross Posting on Social Media: What is it & How it Works

Social Think is a leading social media strategy and analytics company that helps businesses leverage social platforms to achieve their goals. Our data-driven insights and proven strategies enable brands to effectively engage audiences and drive measurable results. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of cross-posting on social media and share best practices to…

How to Use Facebook Marketplace Without an Account? Complete Guide

How to Use Facebook Marketplace Without an Account? Complete Guide

At Social Think, we understand the power of social media platforms like Facebook for connecting buyers and sellers in local communities. Facebook Marketplace has emerged as a popular destination for local sales, allowing users to list items, browse products, and contact sellers – all within the familiar interface of the Facebook app. But what if…

Facebook Profile Picture Resizer: How to Resize FB Pics?

Facebook Profile Picture Resizer: How to Resize FB Pics?

Your Facebook profile picture is often the first thing people notice about your Facebook profile. It’s a key part of your online identity and personal brand. But getting your profile photo to fit just right can be tricky. That’s where an FB profile picture resizer comes in handy. At Social Think, we know the importance…

Instagram Photo Resizer: What is it, Benefits & How to Resize?

Instagram Photo Resizer: What is it, Benefits & How to Resize?

In the fast-paced world of social media, visuals reign supreme – especially on Instagram. Creating the perfect Instagram post or story often hinges on having images that are sized just right. That’s where an Instagram photo resizer comes in handy. At Social Think, we know the importance of presenting a polished, matching Instagram feed to…

How to Search Reels on Instagram: Expert Tips and Tricks

How to Search Reels on Instagram: Expert Tips and Tricks

Instagram Reels have taken the social media world by storm, offering a new way for content creators to showcase their creativity and reach new audiences. With the increasing popularity of short video content, it’s no surprise that Instagram has invested heavily in this feature. However, with millions of reels being uploaded daily, finding specific content…

What Are Instagram Highlights, How To Create It & Tips

What Are Instagram Highlights, How To Create It & Tips

Instagram Highlights are a powerful tool to showcase your best Instagram Stories content and engage your followers beyond the 24-hour limit. By strategically using Instagram Highlights, you can boost your brand’s presence, share valuable information, and even drive more traffic and sales. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about…

Are Facebook and Instagram Connected? The Revealed Truth
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Are Facebook and Instagram Connected? The Revealed Truth

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, two platforms stand out as giants: Facebook and Instagram. With billions of monthly active users combined, these platforms have become integral to how people connect, share, and consume content online. As a social media strategist at Social Think, I often get asked about the relationship between these two…

Social Media and Content Marketing: Comparison

Social Media and Content Marketing: Comparison

In today’s digital age, social media and content marketing have become essential components of any successful marketing strategy. While both play a significant role in building brand awareness, engaging audiences, and driving business results, many marketers struggle with how to effectively integrate the two. As experts in social media strategy and analytics, Social Think is…

How to Post Something on Facebook Marketplace? Step-By-Step-Guide

How to Post Something on Facebook Marketplace? Step-By-Step-Guide

At Social Think, we understand the power of social media to drive real business results. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an immense opportunity for brands to reach new customers. One of the most effective ways to tap into this massive user base is through Facebook Marketplace. How Does Facebook Marketplace Work?…