Are Facebook Ads Worth It?

Are Facebook Ads Worth It? A Comprehensive Analysis

As a business owner or marketer, you’ve likely considered advertising on Facebook to reach your target audience and drive sales. But with so many options out there, you may be wondering: are Facebook Ads worth the investment?

At Social Think, we specialize in social media strategy and analytics to help businesses achieve their goals.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at Facebook Ads – what they are, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and what makes them effective (or not). By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of whether Facebook advertising is the right move for your brand.

What Are Facebook Ads?

What Are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads are paid messages from businesses that appear in users’ News Feeds, Stories, Messenger, and other locations on and off the platform. They look similar to regular posts but always include a “Sponsored” label to indicate that they are paid placements.

Are Facebook Ads Worth It?

Are Facebook Ads Worth It?

The short answer is: it depends. Like any other marketing channel, Facebook Ads can be incredibly effective when done well – or a huge waste of money when done poorly.

Facebook Ads reach over 2.7 billion users. Target specific customers easily. Track progress with Facebook pixel. Ads may be costly for some small businesses depending on the profit margins. Competition and algorithms also change often. Some users ignore paid content. Therefore, the Success of Facebook Ads varies based on industry, audience, ad quality, and strategy.

Later in this article, we’ll share some tips and best practices to help you get the most out of your Facebook ad spend. But first, let’s take a closer look at how Facebook Ads work.

How Do Facebook Ads Work?

How Do Facebook Ads Work?

When you make a Facebook Ad, you first pick a goal like brand awareness or lead generation. Next, you choose who sees your ad based on demographics and behaviors. After setting your budget and ad content, Facebook displays your ad to the right users.

You can track your ad’s performance in real-time using Ads Manager. It shows details such as reach, clicks, and conversion rate. An essential part is the Facebook pixel – code on your site that tracks visitor actions.

The pixel helps you target specific audiences and find similar users. This further helps in showing ads to these interested groups, bringing them back to your site for potential conversion.

How Successful Are Facebook Ads?

How Successful Are Facebook Ads?

The success of Facebook Ads varies widely depending on the advertiser, but there are some general benchmarks to consider.

According to WordStream, the average click-through rate (CTR) for Facebook Ads across all industries is 0.90%, while the average conversion rate is 9.21%.

Our experience at Social Think is also somewhere around this. We’ve seen clients achieve CTRs as high as 10.56% and conversion rates over 20% with well-crafted campaigns targeting the right audience.

This doesn’t mean we discount the ads that don’t work. We’ve also seen businesses waste thousands of dollars on poorly targeted, low-quality ads that fail to resonate with users.

To maximize the success of your Facebook Ads, it’s important to continually test and optimize your targeting, ad creative, and landing pages. Try out A/B testing to see what resonates best with your audience and feel free to tweak your ads based on how they’re actually performing.

How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

The cost of Facebook Ads depends on several factors, including your bidding strategy, ad quality and relevance, target audience, ad format and placement, and time of year. On average, businesses can expect to pay:

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

The average CPM for Facebook Ads is $7.19, meaning that it costs an average of $7.19 to show your ad 1,000 times. However, CPMs can range from less than $1 to over $50 depending on your industry and targeting.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

The average CPC for Facebook Ads is $0.97, meaning that businesses pay an average of $0.97 every time a user clicks on their ad. Again, CPCs can vary widely based on factors like ad relevance and competition.

Cost Per Lead (CPL)

For businesses running lead generation campaigns, the average CPL based on our experience on Facebook is $5.47. This means that it costs an average of $5.47 to acquire a new lead through Facebook Ads. However, CPLs can range from a few dollars to over $50 depending on the quality and intent of the leads.

Factors Affecting Facebook Ad Costs

Factors Affecting Facebook Ad Costs

As mentioned above, there are several factors that can impact your Facebook Ad costs, including:

  1. Bidding: Facebook Ads work like an auction. Advertisers bid for placements using CPC, CPM, or CPA strategies.
  2. Ad Quality: Facebook likes relevant ads. Good ads cost less and get better spots. Your creative ad matters.
  3. Audience Size: Costs change based on audience size. Bigger audiences have lower CPMs but maybe less engaging.
  4. Ad Placement: Different ad types cost differently. Videos are pricier than images, News Feed more than right column.
  5. Seasonal Impact: Prices change with seasons. Holidays mean higher costs due to more competition.
  6. Performance Target: Your goal affects costs too. Choose wisely based on what you want to achieve.

Why Facebook Ads Are Important?

Why Facebook Ads Are Important?

Despite the potential challenges and costs, Facebook Ads remain an important tool for businesses looking to reach and engage their target audience online.

Here are a few key reasons why:

  1. Huge reach: Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly users, offering access to a large and diverse audience.
  2. Precise targeting: Options include reaching customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  3. Measurable results: Tools like the Facebook pixel track ad performance and ROI in real-time for data-driven optimizations.
  4. Full-funnel marketing: Facebook Ads support every stage of the customer journey from awareness to conversion.
  5. Increased brand awareness: Consistent ads in feeds boost brand visibility and recall.
  6. Cost-effective: When done well, Facebook Ads are a budget-friendly way to reach your audience effectively.

At Social Think, we’ve seen firsthand how Facebook Ads can drive meaningful business results for our clients across industries.

Whether you’re looking to generate leads, drive online sales, or simply build your brand, Facebook Ads can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal.

Different Types of Facebook Ads

Different Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats to help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

Here are some of the most common types of Facebook Ads:

  1. Image Ads are simple ads with a catchy picture, headline, description, and call-to-action.
  2. Video Ads display your brand or product in engaging videos.
  3. Carousel Ads let users swipe through various images or videos in one ad.
  4. Collection Ads show a main video or image with related product images below.
  5. Instant Experience Ads are full-screen mobile ads for interacting with brands on Facebook directly.
  6. Lead Ads enable filling out forms without leaving Facebook.
  7. Dynamic Ads are personalized products based on user interests.
  8. Stories Ads are full-screen vertical ads on Stories feeds in Facebook and Instagram.

The type of ad you choose will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and creative assets. At Social Think, we recommend testing different ad formats to see what resonates best with your audience and drives the most engagement and conversions.

Advantages of Facebook Advertising

Advantages of Facebook Advertising

There are many advantages to advertising on Facebook, including:

  1. Granular targeting: Facebook provides excellent options for targeting your ideal customers based on various factors.
  2. Large audience: Facebook has over 2.7 billion active users monthly, offering access to a diverse audience for your ads.
  3. Cost-effective: Using Facebook Ads can be a budget-friendly way to reach your target audience compared to other advertising methods.
  4. Measurable results: Tools like the Facebook pixel and Ads Manager allow real-time tracking of ad performance and ROI for data-driven decisions.
  5. Engaging formats: Various ad formats on Facebook, such as video and carousel ads, help attract users’ attention and encourage action.
  6. Retargeting: Utilizing the Facebook pixel enables you to re-engage users familiar with your brand, increasing conversions on your site.

Disadvantages of Facebook Ads

While Facebook Ads can be a highly effective marketing tool, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider, including:

  1. Time-consuming: Creating and managing Facebook Ads can be time-consuming, especially if you’re running multiple campaigns and ad sets.
  2. Ever-changing algorithm: Facebook’s algorithm is constantly evolving, which can impact ad delivery and performance. Staying on top of best practices and adapting to changes can be challenging.
  3. Privacy concerns: With growing concerns over data privacy, some users may be hesitant to engage with ads or provide their personal information.
  4. Potential for wasted spend: Without proper targeting, optimization, and tracking, it’s easy to waste ad spend on Facebook Ads that don’t deliver results.

What Makes Facebook Ads Effective?

What Makes Facebook Ads Effective?

When done right, Facebook Ads can be a highly effective way to reach and engage your target audience.

Here are a few key factors that contribute to the success of Facebook Ads:

Large Audience Pool

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides access to a massive and diverse audience for your ads. This allows you to reach a wide range of potential customers and expand your brand’s reach.

Advanced Targeting

Facebook’s advanced targeting options allow you to reach your ideal customer with precision. You can target users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, ensuring that your ads are shown to the target people most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Performance Tracking

With tools like the Facebook pixel and Ads Manager, you can track your ad performance in real-time and make data-driven optimizations. This allows you to see which ads are resonating with your audience and driving the most conversions, so you can allocate your budget accordingly.

How to Reduce Facebook Ad Costs?

How to Reduce Facebook Ad Costs?

While Facebook Ads can be a cost-effective way to reach your target audience, there are several strategies you can use to further reduce your ad costs and improve your ROI.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Pick the right goals: Selecting campaign objectives affects costs. Opting for conversions may hike click costs but cut total conversion expenses.
  2. Target a specific audience: Narrow targeting criteria help engage users, lift click-through rates, and lower costs per click.
  3. Use retargeting: Target engaged users who know your brand for cost-effective conversions.
  4. Be relevant: Create ads tailored to your audience to improve quality scores and cut costs.
  5. Focus on post-click: Connect ads to fast-loading landing pages with clear actions and run A/B tests.

How To Create Facebook Ads?

How To Create Facebook Ads?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create Facebook Ads:

  1. Go to Facebook Ads Manager and click on the “+Create” button.
  2. Choose your campaign objective based on your goals & advertising strategy.
  3. Define your target audience using Facebook’s targeting options and custom audiences.
  4. Set your ad budget and schedule for the ad campaign. It can be a daily or lifetime budget depending on your needs.
  5. Select the ad format you want to use, such as single image, video, carousel, or collection ads.
  6. Choose your ad placements or let Facebook do it for you.
  7. Create your ad content by uploading visuals (images or videos), writing compelling ad copy, and adding a clear CTA. Make sure to include your brand name and logo for recognition.
  8. Preview your ad to see how it will look on different placements and do changes accordingly.
  9. Set up ad tracking by installing the Facebook Pixel on your website or app.
  10. Submit your ad for review. Facebook typically reviews ads within 24 hours. Once approved, your ad will start running.
  11. Monitor ad performance, track key metrics like reach, impressions, CTR, and CPA. Use insights to optimize targeting, placement, and creative for better results via techniques like A/B testing.
  12. Make sure you also try lookalike audiences to reach the right people that match your existing audience network’s purchasing habits.

Facebook Advertising Best Practices

Facebook Advertising Best Practices

To get the most out of your Facebook ad campaigns, follow these proven best practices:

  1. Have a plan for every step of the buyer’s journey. Know your audience and use Facebook’s targeting options.
  2. Choose the right campaign goal to match your business objectives. Put ads where they work best.
  3. Add the Facebook pixel on your site to track sales and expand your target options.
  4. Check and adjust your campaigns regularly using Ads Manager. Update ads often to keep them effective.
  5. Use retargeting to reach potential buyers again.

Examples of Facebook Ads

Examples of Facebook Ads

Here are a few examples of brands running effective Facebook ad campaigns:


SofaLush uses carousel ads showcasing their stylish sofas in different settings. The ad copy focuses on their free delivery and highlights a sale to create urgency.

Lume Deodorant

Lume runs video ads that grab attention with humor while clearly communicating their natural deodorant’s key benefits. The ads feature a clear CTA driving to a dedicated landing page.

Kay Jewelers

Kay Jewelers leverages dynamic product ads to retarget users with products they viewed on the Kay website. Seeing the exact products again with promotional pricing entices users to complete their purchase.


Are Facebook Ads Legit?

Yes, Facebook ads are a legitimate way for businesses to promote their products and services on the world’s largest social media platform. Facebook has strict ad policies in place to prevent scams and misleading ads.

Are Facebook Ads Expensive?

Facebook ad costs vary widely based on your industry, targeting, and competition. On average, businesses pay $0.97 per click and $7.19 per 1000 impressions. However, the true cost depends on your specific ad performance and campaign goals.

What is the Typical ROI On Facebook Ads?

A good ROAS (return on ad spend) benchmark for Facebook ads is 4:1 — $4 in revenue for every $1 spent on ads. However, an acceptable ROAS varies by industry and profit margins. Some businesses aim for 10:1 or higher.

Is $100 Enough For Facebook Ads?

$100 can be enough to test the waters with Facebook ads and gauge initial performance. However, most businesses will need to invest more to achieve substantial results. The key is starting small, optimizing, and scaling winning campaigns over time.

How Do You Know if Facebook Ads are Legit?

Legitimate Facebook ads will come from verified business pages and adhere to Facebook’s ad policies. They should link to a reputable business website and not make outrageous claims. If an ad seems suspicious, you can report it to Facebook for review.

Do Facebook Ads Work For Small Businesses?

Yes, Facebook ads can be highly effective for small businesses looking to reach local customers or niche audiences. With advanced targeting options and affordable costs compared to traditional advertising, Facebook levels the playing field for smaller brands.

Can Facebook Ads Help in Brand Building?

Absolutely. Facebook’s huge reach and visual ad formats make it a powerful channel for building brand awareness and recall. Video ads, carousel ads, and boosted page posts can showcase your brand personality and values to a broad audience.

Are Facebook Ads Worth it After the iOS 14.5 Update?

While Apple’s iOS 14.5 App Tracking Transparency feature has impacted Facebook ad targeting and reporting, the platform remains an effective channel for many businesses. Advertisers should focus on first-party data, conversion API integration, and broad targeting to minimize disruption.

Is Google Ads Better Than Facebook Ads?

Google Ads and Facebook Ads each have unique strengths. Google is ideal for targeting high-intent searchers, while Facebook excels at building awareness and demand with specific audiences. Many businesses see the best results using both platforms together.

Are YouTube Ads Better Than Facebook Ads?

YouTube ads can be more engaging and memorable than Facebook ads, but they also tend to be more expensive. YouTube is best for awareness and consideration, while Facebook still outperforms for direct response campaigns in most cases. Use both strategically.

Are Facebook Ads a Good Investment?

When executed strategically, Facebook ads can provide a strong return on investment compared to other advertising channels. The key is continuous testing, optimization, and aligning ad tactics with well-defined business goals.

What’s the Best Time to Run Facebook Ads?

The best time to run Facebook ads varies by industry and audience. Typically, weekday afternoons and evenings drive the highest engagement and conversion rates. Use dayparting to automatically adjust bids based on when your ads perform best.


Facebook advertising offers robust features for businesses of all sizes to reach their marketing goals, whether that’s generating leads, driving sales, or building brand awareness.

If you take the time to really understand what Facebook ads can do, set clear goals, and keep experimenting and improving your ads, you can definitely see a good return on your investment. The important thing is to begin with strategies that have been proven to work, figure out what specifically works for your business, and expand your efforts gradually.

When you look at the big picture, create interesting content, and rely on data to guide your decisions, Facebook ads can really help boost your brand’s growth.

At Social Think, we specialize in helping businesses navigate the ever-evolving world of social media advertising to drive meaningful results. Our team of experts can help you craft a winning Facebook ads strategy aligned with your goals for facebook marketing.

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