Are Facebook and Instagram Connected?

Are Facebook and Instagram Connected? The Revealed Truth

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, two platforms stand out as giants: Facebook and Instagram.

With billions of monthly active users combined, these platforms have become integral to how people connect, share, and consume content online.

As a social media strategist at Social Think, I often get asked about the relationship between these two platforms and how connecting them can impact businesses and individuals alike.

In this article, we’ll dive into the intricacies of linking Facebook and Instagram accounts, the benefits it offers, and what information is shared between the platforms.

What is the Relation Between Facebook & Instagram?

What is the Relation Between Facebook & Instagram?

Facebook acquired Instagram in April 2012 for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock. Since then, Instagram has operated as a subsidiary of Facebook, now known as Meta Platforms. While the two platforms remain separate, they are deeply integrated, sharing infrastructure, systems, and technology. This integration allows for the exchange of information and data between the two platforms, which can be leveraged for targeted advertising and personalized user experiences.

Are Facebook and Instagram Connected?

Are Facebook and Instagram Connected?

Yes, Facebook and Instagram are connected through their parent company, Meta Platforms. This connection allows users to link their Instagram account to their Facebook profile or page, enabling cross-platform sharing and data exchange.

However, it’s important to note that users have control over their privacy settings and can choose what information is shared between the two platforms.

How Many Acquisitions Does Facebook Have?

How Many Acquisitions Does Facebook Have?

Facebook, now Meta Platforms, has made numerous acquisitions over the years to expand its reach and capabilities. Meta Inc. (META), the corporation that is the owner of Facebook, the biggest social networking site globally, was established by CEO Mark Zuckerberg and a group of Harvard College roommates in 2004.

Some of the most notable acquisitions include:

  • Instagram (2012) – $1 billion
  • WhatsApp (2014) – $19 billion
  • Oculus VR (2014) – $2 billion

In total, Meta Platforms has acquired over 90 companies, ranging from social media apps to virtual reality startups. These acquisitions have helped the company maintain its dominance in the tech industry and expand into new markets.

The Benefits of Connecting your Instagram Account to your Facebook Profile

The Benefits of Connecting your Instagram Account to your Facebook Profile

Connecting your Instagram account to your Facebook profile or page offers several benefits, including:

  1. Cross-platform sharing: Easily share your Instagram posts on Facebook, expanding your reach and engagement.
  2. Streamlined management: Manage your Instagram and Facebook presence from a single dashboard, saving time and effort.
  3. Enhanced advertising: Run ads on both platforms and pay for them in one place, leveraging Facebook’s robust targeting options.
  4. Insights and analytics: Compare audiences, post performance, and identify growth opportunities across both platforms.

At Social Think, we help businesses navigate these benefits and develop strategies to maximize their impact on social media.

How to Link Your Instagram Account to Facebook Profile or Page?

How to Link Your Instagram Account to Facebook Profile or Page?

Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook profile or page is a straightforward process:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner and select “Settings.”
  3. Scroll down and tap “Account,” then select “Linked Accounts.”
  4. Tap “Facebook” and log in to your Facebook account.
  5. Choose whether to link to your personal profile or a page you manage.

Once linked, you can choose to automatically share your Instagram posts on Facebook or do so manually for each post.

What Information is Shared Between the Platforms When Connected?

When you connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts, certain information is shared between the platforms, including:

  • Profile information: Your name, profile picture, and bio.
  • Post data: The content of your posts, including photos, videos, and captions.
  • Engagement data: Likes, comments, and shares on your posts.
  • Audience insights: Demographic information about your followers.

If I Connect My Instagram With Facebook, Will They Know?

If I Connect My Instagram With Facebook, Will They Know

When you connect your Instagram with Facebook for the first time, the platforms share limited information like your username and profile picture. Facebook will know about this connection, but the exact extent of data shared is controlled by privacy settings.

Be mindful of what you link between your accounts.

Privacy Considerations When Linking Accounts

When you link your Instagram and Facebook accounts, it’s important to consider the privacy implications.

The company provides services that require information and include usage details like names, emails, phone numbers, and ages. Additionally, the company collects details such as the user’s location, IP address, device type, and other information from both android and iOS users.

While Facebook owns Instagram, the two platforms have separate privacy policies and settings. Connecting your accounts will allow some data to be shared between the platforms, which may impact your privacy.

What Data is Visible on Facebook and Instagram?

When you share an Instagram post to Facebook, the post will appear on your Facebook timeline and be visible to your Facebook friends, depending on your privacy settings. Your Instagram username may also be visible on Facebook, depending on your Instagram privacy settings.

On Instagram, your Facebook friends who also use Instagram may be able to find and follow you if your Instagram account is set to public. If your account is private, they will need to send you a follow request.

How to Disconnect Facebook From Instagram?

How to Disconnect Facebook From Instagram?

If you no longer wish to have your Instagram and Facebook accounts connected, you can easily unlink them:

  • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  • Tap the three lines in the top right corner and select “Settings.”
  • Scroll down and tap “Account,” then select “Linked Accounts.”
  • Tap “Facebook” and select “Unlink Account.”

What Happens to Your Data and Posts After Disconnecting?

When you unlink your Instagram and Facebook accounts, the posts you’ve previously shared on Facebook will remain on the platform.

However, any future Instagram posts will not be automatically shared on Facebook. Your Instagram posts and data will no longer be accessible to Facebook, and vice versa.

Are Facebook and Instagram the Same Company?

Are Facebook and Instagram the Same Company?

While Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta Platforms, they operate as separate entities with distinct features and user experiences.

How The Two Companies Operate Independently?

Facebook and Instagram have separate management teams, offices, and employees. They also have different focuses and target audiences. Facebook is primarily a social networking platform that allows users to connect with friends and family, join groups, and share a variety of content. Instagram, on the other hand, is primarily a visual platform focused on photos and video sharing.

Are Facebook and Instagram Owned by the Same Company?

Are Facebook and Instagram Owned by the Same Company?

Yes, Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta Platforms, formerly known as Facebook, Inc.

Overview of Meta (Formerly Facebook, Inc.) as the Parent Company

Overview of Meta

Meta Platforms is a multinational technology company based in Menlo Park, California. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, the company owns several major social media and tech platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus VR.

Other Platforms and Services Owned by Meta

In addition to Facebook and Instagram, Meta Platforms owns several other prominent platforms and services, including:

  • WhatsApp: A messaging and voice-over-IP service.
  • Messenger: A messaging app integrated with Facebook.
  • Oculus VR: A virtual reality technology company.
  • Giphy: A search engine and database for GIFs and stickers.

Meta Platforms continues to expand its portfolio through acquisitions and the development of new products and services.

Unable to Connect Instagram to Facebook Page

Common Issues and Error Messages

Sometimes, users may encounter issues when trying to connect their Instagram account to a Facebook page.

Common problems include:

  • “Error: Unable to connect to Facebook”: This may occur if there are issues with the Facebook API or if your account has been flagged for suspicious activity.
  • “Page not found”: This error may appear if the Facebook page you’re trying to connect to has been deleted or is not accessible to you.

Troubleshooting Steps and Solutions

If you’re having trouble connecting your Instagram account to a Facebook page, try the following:

  • Ensure you’re an admin of the Facebook page you’re trying to connect.
  • Double-check that you’re using the correct login credentials for both Instagram and Facebook.
  • Try logging out of both accounts and logging back in.
  • Check if there are any known issues with the Facebook or Instagram platforms.

If the problem persists, reach out to Instagram or Facebook support for further assistance.


What is Bigger, Instagram or Facebook?

Facebook has more monthly users than Instagram, with 2.9 billion compared to Instagram’s 1.4 billion as of 2021.

Is Instagram a Part of Facebook?

Yes, Instagram is owned by Meta Platforms, which also owns Facebook.

Can Someone See My Instagram From Facebook?

If your Instagram account is public and linked to your Facebook profile, your Facebook friends may be able to find and follow you on Instagram. If your account is private, they will need to send you a follow request.

Can I Use Instagram Without a Facebook Account?

Yes, you can use Instagram without a Facebook account. However, some features, such as cross-platform sharing and advertising, may be limited.

Can I Share My Instagram Posts on Facebook Automatically?

Yes, if your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook profile or page, you can choose to automatically share your Instagram posts on Facebook.

Will My Facebook Friends be Able to See My Instagram Posts if I Connect the Two Accounts?

If you choose to share your Instagram posts on Facebook, they will be visible to your Facebook friends, depending on your Facebook privacy settings.

If I Disconnect My Instagram Account From Facebook, Will My Previously Shared Posts Be Deleted From Facebook?

No, posts that were previously shared on Facebook will remain on the platform even after unlinking your accounts.

Can I Connect Multiple Instagram Accounts To My Facebook Profile?

No, you can only connect one Instagram account to your Facebook profile or page.

Will Connecting My Instagram Account to Facebook Affect My Privacy Settings on Either Platform?

Connecting your accounts will allow some data to be shared between the platforms, which may impact your privacy. Review your privacy settings on both platforms to ensure you’re comfortable with the level of information being shared.

If I Connect My Instagram Account to Facebook, Will Facebook Have Access to My Instagram Direct Messages?

No, Facebook does not have access to your Instagram direct messages, even if your accounts are linked.

How Does Facebook’s Ownership of Instagram Affect Me?

FB’s ownership of Instagram may impact your user experience through shared features, integrated advertising, and data sharing between the platforms.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has also focused on the company for potential anti-competitive practices, requesting information on undisclosed transactions from Meta and other major tech firms. However, you still maintain control over your privacy settings and the content you choose to share with general public on each platform.


Understanding the relationship between Facebook and Instagram is important for businesses and individuals looking to maximize their social media presence.

As a social media strategist at Social Think, I’ve seen firsthand how connecting these platforms can lead to increased reach, engagement, and growth. By leveraging the benefits of cross-platform sharing, streamlined management, and enhanced advertising, businesses can effectively reach their target audiences and drive meaningful results.

However, it’s equally important to consider the privacy implications of linking your accounts and to ensure you’re comfortable with the level of information being shared.

At Social Think, we help our clients navigate these complexities and develop strategies that align with their goals while prioritizing privacy and security.

Whether you’re a business looking to expand your social media presence or an individual seeking to streamline your online experience, understanding the relationship between Facebook and Instagram is key.

To unlock the complete potential of your social media presence, stay informed and make strategic decisions on how you engage and share on these platforms.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Social Think can help you navigate the ever-evolving world of social media and internet, visit our website or reach out to our team of experts. We’re here to help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your social media goals.

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