Facebook Shadowban

Facebook Shadowban: What is it, How to Fix & Remove it?

In the fast-paced world of social media, visibility is everything. Brands and influencers rely on platforms like Facebook to connect with their audience and drive business results.

But what happens when your content suddenly stops reaching people? You may have fallen victim to a Facebook shadowban.

At Social Think, we know the frustration of seeing your engagement plummet overnight.

As a leading social media strategy and analytics firm, we’re here to shed light on the mysterious phenomenon of shadow banning and share actionable tips to get your Facebook presence back on track.

What is Shadowban?

What is Shadowban?

A shadowban is when a social network, such as Facebook, limits the visibility of your content without notifying you. Your posts still appear to you, but they don’t show up in your followers’ newsfeeds or search results.

Facebook values consistency, so purchasing likes, comments, or followers or using and any sexually-suggestive content or harmful content may raise concerns within the platform. It’s a stealthy way for the social media network to filter out content that violates their community standards or terms of service, making it a concerning issue for facebook users on any social media platform.

Does Facebook Shadowban?

Does Facebook Shadowban?

While Facebook has never officially confirmed the practice of shadowbanning, many users have reported experiencing its effects. Facebook’s “remove, reduce, and inform” policy for moderating user’s content aligns with shadowban behavior.

What Does Shadow Banned Mean on Facebook?

Being shadowbanned on Facebook means your content has been flagged as inappropriate or spammy, limiting its organic reach. Your posts become virtually invisible to everyone except you, stifling your ability to engage your audience.

How Do You Know That Your Facebook Account Has Been Shadow Banned?

How Do You Know That Your Facebook Account Has Been Shadow Banned?

The telltale sign of a Facebook shadowban is a sudden drop in engagement. If your posts usually get a healthy amount of likes, comments, and shares but suddenly fall flat, it could indicate a shadowban. Another red flag is if your content doesn’t appear in search results or your followers’ newsfeeds. Additionally, if your posts don’t show up in the search results for hashtags, you might be a target of the Instagram shadowban.

How Long Does a Facebook Shadowban Last?

The duration of a Facebook shadowban can vary. Some users report being in “Facebook jail” for a few days, while others have experienced reduced visibility for weeks or even months. The severity and length often depend on the perceived offense and whether you take steps to remedy the issue.

How Do You Get Shadowbanned on Facebook?

How Do You Get Shadowbanned on Facebook?

Several actions can trigger a Facebook shadowban, intentionally or unintentionally.

Let’s break down the most common causes:

  1. Content Theft: Posting content that doesn’t belong to you, such as copyrighted images or videos, can lead to a shadowban. Facebook’s algorithm is designed to detect and penalize stolen content.
  2. Inappropriate Content: Content that goes against Facebook’s community standards, including hate speech, nudity, violence, and misinformation, can result in a shadowban. Even borderline content that doesn’t quite cross the line may be subject to reduced distribution.
  3. Spamming Links: Excessive linking, especially to low-quality or suspicious websites, can raise red flags. Facebook aims to promote meaningful interactions, not spammy clickbait.
  4. Use of Unauthorized Tools: Using third-party automation tools or bots to artificially inflate your engagement can get you shadowbanned. Facebook wants authentic activity from real users.
  5. Buying Engagements: Purchasing likes, comments, or followers is a surefire way to catch a shadowban. Facebook can spot fake engagement from a mile away.

How Frequently Does Facebook Update Its Algorithm Concerning Shadowbans?

Facebook is constantly tweaking its algorithm to improve user experience and crack down on abuse. While the exact frequency of updates is unknown, it’s safe to assume shadowban criteria evolve regularly. Staying on top of best practices is important for content creators to avoid getting penalized.

Is Creating a New Facebook Account a Way Out?

Starting from scratch may seem like an easy fix, but it’s not a long-term solution. If you continue the same behavior that got you shadowbanned in the first place, your new account will likely meet the same fate. It’s better to address the root cause and make meaningful changes.

How Does the Facebook Shadow Ban Affect Small Businesses?

For small businesses that rely on Facebook to connect with customers and drive sales, a shadowban can be devastating. Reduced visibility means less traffic, leads, and revenue. It’s especially frustrating for businesses that have invested time and resources into building a Facebook presence only to have it wiped out overnight.

How to Fix Facebook Shadowban?

If you suspect a Facebook shadowban, don’t panic. While it may feel like a setback, there are steps you can take to rectify the situation and prevent future occurrences:

How to Remove Shadowban on Facebook?

How to Remove Shadowban on Facebook?
  1. Remove Restricted Content: Audit your posts and remove any content that violates Facebook’s terms of service or community guidelines. This includes copyrighted material, graphic violence, nudity, hate speech, and misinformation.
  2. Don’t Use Banned Hashtags: Avoid using hashtags associated with inappropriate or spammy content. Do your research to ensure the hashtags you use are safe and relevant to your niche.
  3. Stop Violating Facebook Rules: Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s policies and make a concerted effort to play by the rules. Avoid engagement bait, like-gating, and other manipulative tactics.
  4. Renew Your Ad Accounts: If you run Facebook ads, consider starting fresh with a new ad account. This can help dissociate your profile from any previous red flags.
  5. Activate Two-Factor Authentication: Adding an extra layer of security to your account can help demonstrate to Facebook that you’re a legitimate user. Enable two-factor authentication in your account settings.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments, feel free to reach out to Facebook support if you do not observe any enhancements in your own content when compared with people’s content.


Does Facebook Dating Shadowban?

Yes, Facebook Dating profiles can be subject to shadowbans if they violate the platform’s dating-specific policies, such as posting inappropriate content or harassing other users.

Does Facebook Marketplace Shadowban?

Like other Facebook features, Marketplace listings can be shadowbanned if they contain prohibited items, misleading information, or spam.

Can You Appeal a Facebook Shadowban?

While there’s no official appeals process for shadowbans, you can submit a request for review if you believe your content was unfairly penalized. Go to Facebook’s Help Center and follow the prompts to report a problem.

Are Shadowbans Permanent on Facebook?

In most cases, shadowbans are temporary and can be lifted by correcting the offending behavior. However, repeat or severe violations may result in a permanent ban.


A Facebook shadowban can be a major roadblock for brands and creators trying to make an impact on the platform. But understanding the causes and implementing best practices, you can recover and safeguard your account against future penalties.

At Social Think, we specialize in helping businesses navigate the complex world of social media. Our data-driven strategies and expert insights enable brands to build authentic connections, drive meaningful engagement, and achieve tangible results.

Don’t let a shadowban hold you back. Contact Social Think today to learn how we can help you thrive on Facebook and beyond.

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