Instagram Engagement Down

Why is Your Instagram Engagement Down (& How to Fix It)

As a leading social media strategy firm, Social Think knows firsthand the importance of strong Instagram engagement for businesses. But what happens when your engagement numbers start to dip? Many brands are left wondering, “Why is my Instagram engagement down?

At Social Think, we specialize in providing data-driven social media insights to help brands navigate these challenges. In this post, we’ll explore what’s behind declining Instagram engagement and share proven strategies to get your metrics back on track. Let’s dive in.

What Exactly is Instagram Engagement?

What Exactly is Instagram Engagement?

Before we explore why your Instagram engagement might be down, let’s define what we mean by “engagement.” Instagram engagement refers to the level of interaction your content receives from users. This includes likes, comments, shares, saves, and direct messages.

Your engagement rate measures the amount of interaction your content receives compared to your follower count or reach. It’s a key metric for gauging how well your content resonates with your audience.

Why is My Instagram Engagement Down?

Several factors can contribute to a decline in Instagram engagement.

Here are some of the main reasons:

  1. New Features: Instagram is constantly evolving, introducing new features like Reels, Guides, and Shopping posts. When the platform shifts focus to promoting a new feature, it can impact the reach and engagement of your regular posts.
  2. Algorithm Changes: Like most social platforms, Instagram uses an algorithm to determine which content gets shown to instagram users. Algorithm updates can affect your content’s visibility and engagement. We’ll explore this more later.
  3. User Feedback: Instagram’s algorithm takes into account user interactions and feedback. If users are not interacting with your posts or indicating they don’t want to see your content (by selecting “Not Interested,” for example), this can hurt your engagement over time.
  4. Low-Quality Content: Posting low-quality, irrelevant, or repetitive content can lead to a decline in engagement as users lose interest. Aim for high-quality visuals and captions that inform, entertain, or inspire.
  5. Engagement Bait: Using engagement bait tactics, like asking for likes or comments, can signal to Instagram that your content is spammy. The algorithm may limit your reach, leading to lower engagement.
  6. Bot Removal: If you’ve used bots or automation services in the past, a crackdown on fake instagram accounts could cause a sudden drop in your follower count and engagement.
  7. Buying Followers & Engagement: Purchasing followers or engagement is never a good idea. These low-quality instagram followers won’t interact with your content authentically, harming your engagement rate in the long run. Instead, focus on organic strategies to get free followers on Instagram who are genuinely interested in your content. Building an authentic, engaged audience takes time and effort, but it’s the most sustainable path to Instagram success.

How to Increase Engagement on Instagram?

How to Increase Engagement on Instagram?

Now that we understand some reasons behind low engagement, let’s explore some strategies to give your Instagram metrics a boost:

  1. Stay Active on the Platform: Consistency is key on Instagram. Regularly posting content and engaging with your audience shows the algorithm that you’re an active, valuable user.
  2. Post During Peak Hours: Timing your posts when your audience is most active increases the likelihood of engagement. Use Instagram Insights to find your unique best times to post.
  3. Consistently Produce Stories: Instagram Stories are a powerful tool for driving engagement. Over 500 million users interact with Stories daily. Consistently posting Stories keeps your brand top-of-mind.
  4. Create Sharable Content: Create content that’s valuable and visually appealing enough for users to want to share with their followers. This expands your reach and engagement.
  5. Share Content on Reels: Instagram Reels, the platform’s short-form video feature, is currently being heavily promoted by the algorithm. Sharing content in this format can boost your visibility and engagement.
  6. Write Engaging Captions: Your caption is just as important as your visual content. Write captions that tell a story, ask a question, or prompt users to engage.
  7. Utilize Stickers on Stories: Interactive stickers on Stories, like polls, questions, and quizzes, are a great way to encourage audience engagement.
  8. Don’t Go Crazy With Hashtags: Using relevant hashtags can improve your discoverability, but using too many can make your content look spammy. Stick to a handful of targeted, relevant hashtags per post.
  9. Post Instagram Collaborations: Partnering with other brands or influencers for collaborations exposes you to new audiences, potentially boosting your engagement.
  10. Convert to a Business Profile: Switching to an Instagram Business profile gives you access to valuable features like Insights, Ads, and Shopping. These tools can help you better understand and engage your audience. However, if you later decide a business profile isn’t right for you, it’s easy to switch back to a personal account on Instagram.

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Impacts Engagement?

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Impacts Engagement?

Instagram’s algorithm plays a significant role in determining which content gets shown to users. While the exact formula is not public, we know the algorithm prioritizes content that receives high engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares.

Content that aligns with a user’s interests, based on their past interactions, is also more likely to appear in their feed. The algorithm takes into account the relationship between the user and the content creator, favoring accounts a user frequently engages with.

Timeliness is another key factor. The algorithm wants to serve users fresh, relevant content, so newer posts may get a visibility boost. Understanding these key signals can help you create content that aligns with the algorithm’s priorities.

What Are Good Engagement and Reach Rates on Instagram?

What Are Good Engagement and Reach Rates on Instagram?

Engagement rates vary by industry, but a good rule of thumb is that an engagement rate between 1-5% is strong. Rates below 1% could indicate room for improvement.

Reach rate measures the percentage of your followers who see your content. A reach rate of 30% or higher is considered very good, while 10-20% is about average.

It’s important to track your metrics over time to benchmark your performance and identify trends. Don’t get too caught up in comparing yourself to other brands, as engagement and reach can vary widely based on industry and audience size.

How to Fix Low Engagement on Instagram?

How to Fix Low Engagement on Instagram?

If you’re looking to diagnose and address low Instagram engagement, here are some steps to take:

  1. Do an Instagram Audit: Analyze your content’s performance to identify which posts receive the highest and lowest engagement. Look for patterns in type of content, timing, and topic. This can help inform your future content strategy.
  2. Improve Your Instagram SEO: Optimize your Instagram name, username, bio, captions, and hashtags for search. Using keywords relevant to your brand can help new users discover your content.
  3. Create Shareable Content: Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that users will want to share with their followers. This could include informative infographics, inspiring quotes, or entertaining videos.
  4. Take Advantage Of Instagram Stories: Stories are a powerful engagement tool. Use interactive features like polls, questions, and countdowns to encourage audience participation.
  5. Longer Engagement = More Reach = More Engagement: The Instagram algorithm favors content that captures attention. If users spend more time viewing or engaging with your post, the algorithm will likely show it to more people, leading to even more engagement.

Why Has My Reach Suddenly Dropped on Instagram?

Why Has My Reach Suddenly Dropped on Instagram?

If you’ve noticed a sudden drop in your Instagram reach, here are some potential reasons:

  1. The competition is steeper!: As more users and brands join Instagram, the competition for visibility in users’ feeds increases. Your content needs to be high-quality and engaging to stand out.
  2. Seasonal/Weather Changes: Believe it or not, factors like weather and holidays can impact social media behavior. For example, users may spend less time on Instagram during summer months or holidays.
  3. The Instagram Algorithm Now Favors “Original Content”: Instagram’s CEO Adam Mosseri announced that the platform will start prioritizing “original content” in feeds and recommendations. If you frequently reshare content from other sources, your reach may be limited.
  4. You’re Not Using the Right Hashtags: Using irrelevant, overly popular, or spammy hashtags can hurt your reach. Focus on using a mix of niche and moderately popular hashtags specific to your content.
  5. You’re Not Posting at the Right Times: If you’re posting when your audience is not active on the app, your content is less likely to be seen. Use Instagram Insights to track when your followers are most engaged.
  6. You’re Not Being Consistent: The Instagram algorithm favors accounts that post consistently. If you take long breaks between posts, your reach may decline as the algorithm stops prioritizing your content.

Low Instagram Engagement: Different Scenarios!

Low Instagram Engagement

Let’s break down some specific low-engagement scenarios and how to address them:

High Reach Low Engagement Instagram

If your posts are reaching a large number of users but receiving low engagement, your content may not be resonating with your audience. Focus on creating more compelling, interactive content that encourages users to like, comment, and share.

Low Reach on Instagram

Low reach indicates that your content is not being shown to many users. This could be due to low engagement on previous posts, using banned hashtags, or posting at sub optimal times. Experiment with different hashtags, posting times, and different types of content to boost your reach.

Low Hashtag Reach on Instagram

If your hashtags are not generating much reach, they may be too competitive, irrelevant, or potentially shadowbanned. Research hashtags in your niche and aim for a mix of popular and niche tags. Avoid using the same set of hashtags on every post, as this can signal spam to the algorithm.


Why Are My Likes Going Down On Instagram?

A decrease in likes could be due to algorithm changes, increased competition, or a shift in your audience’s interests. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Do Giveaways Have Low Engagements on Instagram?

Giveaways can boost engagement as users like, comment, and share to enter. However, if not executed strategically, giveaways can attract low-quality entrants who don’t genuinely engage with your brand. Ensure your giveaway aligns with your brand and targets your ideal audience.

Do Carousels on Instagram Lower Engagement?

Carousel posts, which feature multiple images or video content, do not inherently lower engagement. Carousels can increase engagement by providing more value and encouraging users to swipe through. Ensure each slide is high-quality and contributes and has strong storytelling characteristics.

Is Instagram Influencer Engagement Low?

Influencer engagement rates can vary widely based on follower count, niche, and content quality. Micro-influencers (under 25K followers) tend to have higher engagement rates than macro-influencers. Focus on partnering with these types of influencers whose content aligns with your brand values and target audience.

How Can Small Accounts Improve Their Instagram Engagement?

Small accounts can improve engagement by posting consistently, interacting with their audience through comments and DMs, using relevant hashtags, and collaborating with other accounts in their niche. Focus on building a genuine community around your brand.

Does Scheduling Instagram Posts Affect Instagram Engagement?

No, scheduling your Instagram posts using a tool like Hootsuite or Sprout Social does not negatively impact your level of engagement. Scheduling can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule, which the algorithm favors.

How Often Should I Post on Instagram For Best Engagement?

The optimal posting frequency varies by account, but aim to post at least once per day. Consistency is key. Experiment with different posting schedules and use Instagram Insights to track which posting times generate the best engagement for your unique audience.


Declining Instagram likes can be frustrating and many brands face this challenge. Understand factors affecting engagement, like instagram algorithm changes and content quality. Adjust your strategy to improve metrics.

Create top-notch, relevant posts for your audience. Use Stories and Reels for visibility and interaction. Focus on building real connections with followers.

Instagram engagement shows how well your content resonates. Offer value consistently and engage with your community to build a loyal following.

For tailored advice on Instagram Marketing, contact Social Think. Our experts offer data-driven insights to boost your engagement.

Contact us now for help with your Instagram success journey.

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