Are LinkedIn Ads Worth It?

Are LinkedIn Ads Worth It: A Comprehensive Guide

As a social media marketer, you’ve likely considered LinkedIn ads as part of your digital advertising strategy.

With over 850 million users, LinkedIn provides access to a vast network of professionals across industries. But are LinkedIn ads truly worth the investment for your business?

At Social Think, we specialize in social media marketing strategy, analytics, and insights to drive real business results.

Let’s dive into a comprehensive analysis of LinkedIn advertising to determine if it’s the right fit for your marketing goals and budget.

Are LinkedIn Ads Worth It?

Are LinkedIn Ads Worth It?

The short answer is: it depends. LinkedIn ads can be a highly effective tool for B2B companies looking to generate quality leads, build brand awareness, and engage with a targeted professional audience.

However, the platform does come with higher costs compared to other social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

To determine if LinkedIn ads are worthwhile for your specific business, you need to consider factors such as your target audience, marketing objectives, ad spend budget, and expected ROI.

With the right strategy and optimization, LinkedIn advertising can deliver valuable leads and drive meaningful results.

How LinkedIn Ads Work?

How LinkedIn Ads Work?

LinkedIn offers a robust advertising platform with various ad formats to reach your ideal customers. You can target users based on criteria like job title, company size, industry, skills, and interests. This precise targeting allows you to get your message in front of the most relevant audience.

LinkedIn’s ad auction works on a bid system, where advertisers compete for ad placements. You can choose between cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) bidding, depending on your campaign goals. The platform also provides detailed performance metrics and analytics to track your ad success and optimize for better results.

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads
  1. Reach a professional audience: LinkedIn’s user base primarily consists of business professionals, decision-makers, and executives. This makes it an ideal platform to promote B2B products, services, and content.
  2. Granular targeting options: With LinkedIn’s advanced targeting capabilities, you can hone in on your exact buyer persona based on professional attributes. This ensures your ads are shown to the most qualified leads.
  3. Generate high-quality leads: Because of the targeting options and professional context, LinkedIn ads tend to attract leads that are more likely to convert. You can capture lead information directly through LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms.
  4. Build brand credibility: Advertising on LinkedIn associates your brand with a trusted, professional network. This can help elevate your company’s reputation and establish thought leadership in your industry.

Why Consider LinkedIn Ads to Begin With?

Why Consider LinkedIn Ads to Begin With?

If your business targets other businesses or professionals, LinkedIn ads should definitely be on your radar.

The platform is designed for networking, content sharing, and business discussions – making it the perfect environment to connect with potential customers in a meaningful way.

LinkedIn reports that 4 out of 5 of its members drive business decisions, and the network has 2x the buying power of the average web audience. That’s a valuable opportunity to influence key decision-makers and generate quality leads for your sales pipeline.

Should Your Business Use LinkedIn Ads?

Should Your Business Use LinkedIn Ads?

To determine if your business should invest in LinkedIn advertising, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is my target audience active on LinkedIn?
  2. Do I have a sufficient budget to test and optimize LinkedIn ads?
  3. Are my products/services a good fit for the LinkedIn user base?
  4. Do I have compelling offers or content to promote to a professional audience?
  5. Can I commit to regularly monitoring and optimizing my ad campaigns?

If you answered yes to most of these, then LinkedIn ads may be a worthwhile addition to your social media marketing strategy. B2B companies in industries like tech, finance, consulting, and professional services tend to see the most success on the platform.

The Cost of LinkedIn Ads

The Cost of LinkedIn Ads

One of the main considerations for any social media advertising is the cost. Let’s break down the typical costs associated with LinkedIn ads.

Initial Budget

To get started with LinkedIn advertising, the platform recommends a minimum budget of at least $100/day or $5,000 total for your first campaign. This allows for sufficient data collection and optimization to gauge performance. However, you can set your own daily and total budget based on your marketing spend.

CPC and CPM Rates

LinkedIn’s cost-per-click (CPC) averages around $5-$7, but can range from $2-$15+ depending on your industry and target audience.

For impression-based bidding (CPM), the average cost is about $33 per 1,000 impressions.

These costs are notably higher than other social platforms, but keep in mind the quality and professional intent of LinkedIn’s audience. A click or impression on LinkedIn is often more valuable than one on Facebook or Twitter.

Comparison With Google and Facebook Ads

Comparison With Google and Facebook Ads

LinkedIn ads are typically more expensive than Google and Facebook ads on a cost-per-click basis. However, LinkedIn often yields higher conversion rates and lead quality for B2B campaigns.

In a HubSpot study, LinkedIn ads had an average conversion rate of 6.1%, compared to 2.58% for Google search ads. So while you may pay more per click, you’re likely to get better quality leads that are more likely to become customers.

Are LinkedIn Ads Expensive?

Are LinkedIn Ads Expensive?

LinkedIn ads do require a higher budget than other social platforms, but the costs are relative to the value they provide. For the right business with the right strategy, the ROI of LinkedIn advertising can justify the higher price tag.

It’s important to approach LinkedIn ads with a clear plan and budget in mind. Start with a small test campaign to validate your targeting and messaging before scaling up your spend. Regularly monitor your ad performance and adjust bids, creative, and targeting to optimize for the best possible return.

Is LinkedIn Advertising Good For All Businesses?

Is LinkedIn Advertising Good For All Businesses?

While LinkedIn can be an effective advertising channel for many businesses, it’s not necessarily the best fit for everyone.

B2C companies with lower-priced products may find it harder to achieve a positive ROI, as the high costs per click can quickly eat up budget without yielding enough sales.

LinkedIn ads tend to work best for B2B companies, particularly those in industries like SaaS, professional services, recruiting, and higher education. If your business targets professionals or other businesses, LinkedIn’s audience is likely a good match.

Before investing heavily in LinkedIn ads, consider your customer acquisition costs and lifetime value. Make sure you can afford to pay LinkedIn’s higher CPC/CPM rates and still turn a profit on the leads or sales generated.

Audience and Demographic Targeting

One of LinkedIn’s greatest strengths as an ad platform is its robust targeting capabilities. You can get incredibly granular with your ad targeting to reach the exact professionals that matter most to your business.

Defining Your Target Audience

Before launching a LinkedIn ad campaign, take time to clearly define your ideal customer persona.

Consider factors like:

  • Job title or function
  • Seniority level
  • Company industry
  • Company size
  • Location
  • Skills and interests

The more specific you can get with your targeting criteria, the more relevant your ad will be to the people who see it. This improves your click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall ad performance.

Ad Targeting Options

LinkedIn offers a variety of ad targeting parameters to help you reach your ideal audience:

  • Location: Target by country, state, city, or region
  • Company: Target by company name, industry, size, or connections
  • Demographics: Target by age or gender
  • Education: Target by schools, fields of study, or degrees
  • Job Experience: Target by job title, function, seniority, or skills
  • Interests: Target by member interests and groups

You can also create custom audiences based on your website visitors, email lists, or company lists. This allows you to retarget warm leads or ABM target accounts.

By combining different targeting options, you can create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach the key decision-makers and influencers for your business. Just be careful not to over-target, as very narrow audiences can limit ad delivery.

Types of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn offers a range of ad formats to help you achieve your marketing goals, from brand awareness to lead generation to customer acquisition.

Here’s an overview of the main LinkedIn ad types:

Text Ads

Text Ads

LinkedIn’s text ads are simple, pay-per-click ads that appear in the right rail and top banner of the LinkedIn desktop feed. They include a headline, brief text, and a small image.

Text ads are best for driving traffic to your website or landing page. They tend to have lower costs and are a good option for businesses with limited ad budgets.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content ads appear directly in the LinkedIn feed of your target audience, allowing you to promote your best content to a wider group. These ads look and feel like organic LinkedIn posts, making them great for engagement.

You can boost an existing post or create new Sponsored Content in a variety of formats:

  • Single image ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Event ads
  • Poll ads

Sponsored Content is a versatile ad type that can support different goals, from brand awareness to lead generation to event registrations.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads are automatically personalized for each user in your target audience, using their LinkedIn profile data like photo, company name, and job title.

There are three types of Dynamic Ads:

  • Follower Ads: Promote your LinkedIn Page and encourage free followers
  • Spotlight Ads: Drive traffic to your website or landing page
  • Content Ads: Promote your content, like an eBook or white paper, and generate leads

Dynamic Ads are eye-catching and highly relevant to users, which can boost engagement and conversion rates.

Sponsored InMail

Sponsored InMail

Sponsored InMail allows you to send personalized messages directly to your target audience’s LinkedIn inbox. The message is only delivered when the user is active on LinkedIn, increasing the chances of it being seen and read.

Sponsored InMail is best for delivering targeted content, promoting events or webinars, or starting a conversation with high-value prospects. It can be an effective way to cut through the noise and reach key decision-makers.

Video Ads

Video Ads

Video ads can be a powerful way to tell your brand story and engage your target audience on LinkedIn. In fact, LinkedIn reports that video ads earn 30% more comments per impression than non-video ads in the feed.

You can run video ads as standalone Sponsored Content or include them in a larger campaign with other ad types. LinkedIn video ads can be up to 30 minutes long, but shorter tends to be better for engagement.

Conversation Ads

Conversation Ads

Conversation Ads are LinkedIn’s newest ad format, designed to drive more engagement with your target audience. These ads appear as messages with multiple CTA buttons that users can choose from.

The ad can branch into different paths based on the user’s selection, creating a choose-your-own-adventure experience. This makes Conversation Ads great for lead generation, promoting content, or encouraging event sign-ups.

LinkedIn Ads Terms and Metrics You Need to Know

LinkedIn Ads Terms and Metrics You Need to Know

To make the most of your LinkedIn ad campaigns, it’s important to understand the key terms and metrics used on the platform.

Here are some of the most important ones to know:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ad was shown to LinkedIn members
  • Clicks: The number of clicks on your ad content
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions
  • CPC (Cost-Per-Click): The average amount you pay for each click on your ad
  • CPM (Cost-Per-Impression): The average amount you pay per 1,000 ad impressions
  • Conversions: The number of times a desired action was taken on your ad, like a lead form completion or purchase
  • Conversion Rate: The number of conversions divided by the number of clicks
  • Leads: The number of leads generated from your ads, usually through a Lead Gen Form completion
  • Lead Form Completion Rate: The number of leads divided by the number of Lead Gen Form opens

Tracking these metrics in LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager will give you a clear picture of your ad performance. Use this data to identify top-performing ads, adjust bids and budgets, and optimize for your desired results.

The Tips and Tricks to Improve Your LinkedIn Ads

The Tips and Tricks to Improve Your LinkedIn Ads

To get the most out of your LinkedIn ad investment, follow these best practices:

  1. Define clear goals and KPIs for your ads.
  2. Use attractive visuals and engaging ad text. Utilize LinkedIn’s Insight Tag for tracking conversions.
  3. Make use of LinkedIn’s precise targeting choices. Experiment with various ad styles and designs.
  4. Add a straightforward call-to-action in your ads. Direct visitors to well-prepared landing pages.
  5. Place competitive bids for a good ad score. Keep an eye on ad results and tweak as necessary.
  6. Study ad information for audience insights in future campaigns.


What is the Typical ROI on LinkedIn Ads?

The ROI of LinkedIn ads varies widely depending on your industry, target audience, and campaign goals.

However, many B2B companies report strong ROI from LinkedIn advertising, with high conversion rates and lead quality.

To calculate your ROI, track the revenue generated from LinkedIn ad leads and compare it to your ad spend.

How Much Does it Cost to Put an Ad on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn ads are priced on a bid-based system, so the exact cost will depend on your target audience and competition.

On average, LinkedIn ads cost $5.26 per click, $6.59 per 1,000 impressions, and $0.80 per send for Sponsored InMail.

However, costs can range from $2-$15+ per click or $30-$100+ per 1,000 impressions.

What is the Minimum Spend on LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn recommends a minimum budget of $100/day or $5,000 total for your first campaign. However, you can set your own daily and total budgets based on your marketing goals and resources. Keep in mind that a higher budget allows for more optimization and better results.

How Effective Are LinkedIn Ads For B2B Marketing?

LinkedIn ads can be highly effective for B2B marketing, as the platform is designed for business networking and professional content sharing. With LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options, you can reach decision-makers and influencers at your target accounts. LinkedIn reports that 80% of B2B leads come from the platform.

How Do LinkedIn Ad Formats Compare in Performance?

The performance of different LinkedIn ad formats depends on your specific goals and audience. Sponsored Content tends to have the highest engagement rates, while Text Ads are best for driving website traffic.

Sponsored InMail has strong open and click-through rates, making it effective for lead generation and the quality of leads on LinkedIn is unlike any other platform on the internet. Test different formats to see what works best for your campaigns.

What Budget is Recommended For LinkedIn Ad Campaigns?

Your LinkedIn ad budget should be based on your overall marketing goals, target audience size, and expected ROI. LinkedIn recommends a minimum of $100/day or $5,000 total for your first campaign, but many successful advertisers invest much more.

However, it is important to consider your own marketing budget and determine what is feasible for your business. Start with a small test budget and increase your spend as you optimize your ads and prove ROI.

Can Small Businesses Benefit From LinkedIn Ads?

Yes, small businesses can definitely benefit from LinkedIn ads, especially if they are B2B-focused. LinkedIn’s targeting options allow small businesses to reach niche audiences efficiently, without wasting ad spend on irrelevant users. Plus, the professional context of LinkedIn can help small businesses build credibility and trust with potential customers.

What Targeting Options Are Available For LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn offers robust targeting options, including job title, company, industry, location, age, gender, education, skills, and interests. You can also create custom audiences based on website visitors, email lists, or target accounts.

How Do LinkedIn Ads Perform Compared to Other Social Media Platforms?

LinkedIn ads typically have higher costs but also higher conversion rates and lead quality compared to other platforms. B2B companies often see strong ROI on LinkedIn due to the professional audience and targeting capabilities.


LinkedIn ads can be a powerful tool for B2B companies looking to reach a professional audience and drive quality leads. While the costs may be higher than other social platforms, the targeting options and conversion potential often justify the investment.

To determine if LinkedIn ads are worth it for your business, consider your goals, target audience, and budget. Test different ad formats and targeting combinations to find what works best for your unique needs. By regularly monitoring and optimizing your campaigns, you can maximize your LinkedIn ad ROI and grow your business.

At Social Think, we specialize in helping companies develop effective LinkedIn marketing strategies. Our team of experts can guide you through the LinkedIn ads process, from setting up your first campaign to analyzing results and optimizing for success.

Contact us today to learn more about how LinkedIn advertising can benefit your business.

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