Best Time to Post on Instagram

The Best Time to Post on Instagram Today

In the fast-paced world of social media, timing is everything.

As an Instagram user, you’ve likely wondered about the best time to post your content, especially when it comes to the increasingly popular Instagram Reels. Posting at the right time can significantly impact your reach, engagement, and overall success on the platform.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the best times to post Reels on Instagram in 2024, helping you maximize your content’s potential and grow your audience.

Does Posting Time on Instagram Matter?

Does Posting Time on Instagram Matter?

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s address a fundamental question: does the time you post on Instagram matter?

The answer is a resounding yes. Instagram’s algorithm takes into account various factors when determining the visibility of your content, and the timing of your posts plays a crucial role.

Understanding the optimal times to post can help you increase the likelihood of your reels appearing in your followers’ feeds and reaching a wider audience.

With constant changes and updates to Instagram’s algorithm, staying informed about the best posting times during different times of the day and specific time zones can give you an edge in maximizing your engagement and success on the platform for maximum reach of your Instagram audience.

When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

To determine the best time to post on Instagram, it’s essential to consider several factors, such as your target audience, their location, and their daily routines. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are general guidelines that can help you optimize your posting schedule.

The Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram

Instagram Reels, the platform’s short-form video feature, have taken the social media world by storm. With their immersive and entertaining nature, Reels have the potential to skyrocket your engagement and attract new followers.

So, when should you post your Reels for maximum impact?

Best Times to Post Instagram Reels

Best Times to Post Instagram Reels

A. Posting Reels During Early Mornings (6:00 AM – 9:00 AM)

Early mornings can be an excellent time to post your Reels, as many users check their Instagram feed first thing in the morning. By posting during this time frame, you can catch your audience’s attention before they start their day.

B. Posting Reels During Lunchtime (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM)

Lunchtime is another prime time to post your Reels. Many users take a break during their lunch hour and scroll through their Instagram feed. By posting during this window, you can tap into this increased activity and boost your visibility.

C. Posting Reels During Early Evenings (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM)

Early evenings are often when people wind down after a long day and turn to social media for entertainment. Posting your Reels during this time can help you reach users who are looking for engaging content to relax with.

The Best Day to Post on Instagram

In addition to the time of day, the day of the week you post can also impact your Reels’ performance. While the best day to post may vary depending on your specific audience, some general trends have emerged.

The Best Times to Post on Instagram by Day

The Best Times to Post on Instagram by Day

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

Mondays are often associated with the start of the workweek, and many users may be less active on social media. However, posting between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM can still yield good results, as users check their feeds before diving into their daily tasks.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesday

Tuesdays tend to see higher engagement rates compared to Mondays. Posting between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM can be effective, as users often take a midday break to scroll through their Instagram feed.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesday

Wednesdays are considered one of the best days to post on Instagram. Posting between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM or 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM can help you reach a wide audience and generate high engagement.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursday

Thursdays are another strong day for Instagram engagement. Posting during lunchtime (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM) or early evenings (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM) can help your Reels gain traction.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Friday

Fridays signal the start of the weekend, and Instagram activity tends to increase. Posting between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM can be particularly effective, as users often check their feeds during their lunch break.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturday

Saturdays are a prime time for Instagram activity, as users have more free time to scroll through their feeds. Posting between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM can help you reach a large audience.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday

Sundays are often a day of rest and relaxation, and Instagram usage tends to be high. Posting between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM can be effective, as users wind down and prepare for the week ahead.

Key Factors While Choosing the Best Time to Post on Instagram

Key Factors While Choosing the Best Time to Post on Instagram

While the general guidelines above can serve as a starting point, it’s crucial to consider several key factors when determining the best time to post on Instagram for your specific account.

Reason for Posting

The purpose behind your Instagram post should influence your posting time. For example, if you’re promoting a limited-time offer or a flash sale, posting during peak hours can help you reach a larger audience quickly.

Days of the Week

As mentioned earlier, certain days of the week tend to have higher engagement rates. However, this may vary depending on your industry and target audience. Analyze your own Instagram insights to identify which days work best for your account.


Keep an eye on when your competitors are posting and how their content is performing. While you don’t need to copy their strategy, understanding their posting patterns can provide valuable insights into your shared audience’s behavior.

Time Zones

If your audience spans multiple time zones, it’s essential to consider this when planning your posting schedule. You may need to experiment with different posting times to find the sweet spot that reaches the majority of your followers.

Frequency Of Posting

The frequency at which you post on Instagram can also impact your engagement rates. While consistency is key, avoid overwhelming your followers with too many posts in a short time frame. Find a balance that works for your brand and audience.


Different industries may have different optimal posting times based on their target audience’s behavior and preferences. For example, a B2B company may find better engagement during weekday mornings, while a fashion brand may see higher activity on weekends.

Audience Demographics & Routine

Understanding your audience’s demographics and daily routines is important in determining the best time to post. Consider factors such as age, location, occupation, and lifestyle when preparing your posting schedule.


Instagram’s algorithm is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to stay up-to-date with any changes that may impact your content’s visibility. While the algorithm takes into account various factors, posting at times when your audience is most active can still help improve your reach.

How to Find the Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram?

How to Find the Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram?

Now that we’ve covered the general guidelines and key factors to consider, let’s explore some actionable steps you can take to find the best time to post Reels on Instagram for your specific account.

Understand Your Audience

The first step in determining the best time to post is to gain a deep understanding of your audience. Use Instagram’s built-in analytics tools (Instagram Insights) to gather data on your followers’ demographics, location, and activity patterns. This information will help you tailor your posting schedule to your audience’s preferences.

Experiment with A/B Testing

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different posting times and analyze the results. Conduct A/B tests by posting similar content at different times and comparing the engagement rates. Over time, you’ll start to identify patterns and determine which times yield the best results for your account.

Analyze the Past

Take a look at your past Instagram posts and analyze their performance. Identify the posts that received the highest engagement and note the times they were published. This historical data can provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and help you refine your posting strategy.


When is the Worst Time to Post on Instagram?

Generally, the worst time to post on Instagram is during the late night or early morning hours (11:00 PM – 5:00 AM), when most users are asleep and activity on the platform is low.

When is the Worst Time to Post Reels on Instagram?

Similar to regular posts, posting Reels during the late night or early morning hours (11:00 PM – 5:00 AM) may result in lower visibility and engagement.

Is it Better to Post on Instagram in the Morning or at Night?

The answer to this question depends on your specific audience and their daily routines. However, in general, posting during the morning or early evening tends to yield better results compared to late night posting.

How Often Should I Post on Instagram?

The optimal frequency of posting on Instagram varies depending on your industry, audience, and content strategy. As a general rule, aim to post consistently (at least once a day) without overwhelming your followers with too much content.

When Should You Not Post on Instagram?

Avoid posting on Instagram during times when your audience is typically less active, such as late at night or early morning hours. Additionally, be mindful of posting during major events or holidays, as users may be focused on other activities.

What Time of Day is Instagram Most Active?

Instagram activity tends to be highest during lunchtime (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM) and early evenings (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM) on weekdays, and throughout the day on weekends.

How Do You Check the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

To check the best time to post on Instagram, use the platform’s built-in analytics tools (Instagram Insights) to analyze your audience’s activity patterns. You can also experiment with different posting times and track the engagement rates to identify the optimal times for your account.

What’s the Best Time to Post on Instagram For Small Businesses?

The best time to post on Instagram for small businesses depends on their specific industry and target audience. However, posting during lunchtime (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM) or early evenings (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM) on weekdays can be effective for many small businesses.

Does Instagram’s Algorithm Favor Certain Posting Times?

While Instagram’s algorithm takes into account various factors, posting at times when your audience is most active can help improve your content’s visibility and reach.

Can Posting at Different Times Improve My Reach Globally?

If your audience spans multiple time zones, posting at different times throughout the day can help you reach a wider global audience. Consider experimenting with posting times that cater to different time zones to maximize your reach.

How Can I Automate Posting to Fit These Optimal Times?

To automate your Instagram posting schedule, you can use social media management tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Later. These tools allow you to schedule your posts in advance, ensuring that your content goes out at the optimal times even when you’re not actively online.


Mastering the art of posting on Instagram at the right time can significantly boost your Reels’ performance and help you grow your audience.

By understanding the general guidelines, considering key factors, and analyzing your specific audience’s behavior, you can develop a posting strategy that maximizes your reach and engagement.

It’s important to keep in mind that although these recommended methods provide a strong base, the important element for success is to consistently analyze your Instagram data, test various posting schedules, and adjust your approach according to your results.

By paying attention to your audience’s preferences and the changing Instagram environment, you can effectively establish a powerful and influential presence on the platform.

So, go ahead and put these insights into action, and watch as your Instagram Reels soar to new heights and beyond!

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