What Does the Green Dot Mean on LinkedIn?

What Does the Green Dot Mean on LinkedIn? The Complete Guide

LinkedIn has become an essential tool in the professional networking realm, allowing users to connect with colleagues, industry experts, and potential employers. One notable feature on the platform is the green dot displayed next to certain users’ profile pictures.

But what does the green dot mean on LinkedIn, and how can it impact your networking experience?

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the significance of the green dot, its benefits, and how to manage your active status on LinkedIn.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on LinkedIn?

What Does the Green Dot Mean on LinkedIn?

The green dot on LinkedIn is a visual indicator of a user’s active status. When you see a solid green dot next to someone’s profile picture, it means they are currently active on the platform. This could mean they are browsing their homepage, engaging with content, or using the LinkedIn messaging feature. The green dot is designed to facilitate real-time interactions and help users connect more efficiently.

How is the Active Status Represented on LinkedIn?

How is the Active Status Represented on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn uses two types of green dots to represent a user’s active status:

  • Solid Green Dot: A solid green dot next to a user’s profile picture indicates they are currently active on LinkedIn’s desktop site or mobile app.
  • Green Circle: A green circle around a user’s profile picture signifies they are active on LinkedIn’s mobile app.

When Does the Green Dot Appear?

Online Status

The solid green dot appears when a user is actively using LinkedIn on their desktop or mobile device. This could mean they are browsing their homepage, engaging with posts, or using the platform’s messaging feature.

Active on Mobile

The green circle around a user’s profile picture specifically indicates they are active on LinkedIn’s mobile app. This is useful information for those who prefer to connect and communicate via the app’s interface.

Why is it Valuable For Networking to Know What Does the Green Circle Mean on LinkedIn?

Understanding the meaning behind the green circle on LinkedIn can be incredibly valuable for networking purposes. When you see a green circle around someone’s profile picture, it indicates they are currently active on the LinkedIn mobile app. This knowledge allows you to:

  1. Reach Out at the Right Time: If you’ve been wanting to connect with someone, seeing the green circle can be the perfect opportunity to send them a message or connection request.
  2. Expect Faster Responses: When you message someone who has a green circle, there’s a higher likelihood they will see your message quickly and respond in a timely manner.
  3. Boost Your Own Visibility: By being active on the LinkedIn mobile app yourself, you increase the chances of displaying a green circle on your own profile, making it easier for others to connect with you.

How to Enable or Disable the Green Dot?

Enabling the Green Dot

By default, your active status is visible to your connections on LinkedIn.

If you want to ensure your green dot is displayed when you’re active, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on “Visibility” on the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity,” click on “Change” next to “Share your active status.”
  5. Toggle the switch to “Yes” to enable your active status.

Disabling the Green Dot

If you prefer not to share your active status with your connections, you can easily disable the green dot feature:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 from the “Enabling the Green Dot” section above.
  2. Toggle the switch to “No” to disable your active status.

Don’t forget that disabling your active status will also prevent you from seeing other users’ active statuses.

Privacy Concerns and the Green Dot

Visibility Settings

LinkedIn allows you to control who can see your active status. You can choose to display your green dot to:

  • All LinkedIn Members
  • Your Connections Only
  • No One

To adjust your visibility settings, navigate to the “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity” section in your account settings and select your preferred option.

Hiding Your Activity Status

If you want to temporarily hide your active status without disabling the feature entirely, you can do so by:

  1. Clicking on the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Selecting “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Clicking on “Visibility” on the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity,” click on “Change” next to “Share your active status.”
  5. Toggle the switch to “No” to hide your active status.

Remember, hiding your active status will also prevent you from seeing other users’ active statuses


What Do The Green Dots On LinkedIn Profiles Mean?

The green dots on LinkedIn profiles indicate a user’s active status. A solid green dot means the user is currently active on LinkedIn’s desktop site or mobile app, while a green circle signifies they are active on the LinkedIn mobile app.

Is The Green Dot Available On The LinkedIn Mobile App?

Yes, the green dot feature is available on both the LinkedIn desktop site and mobile app. In fact, a green circle around a user’s profile picture specifically indicates they are active on the LinkedIn mobile app.

Can You See When Someone Was Last Active On LinkedIn?

No, LinkedIn does not display when a user was last active. The green dot only indicates current activity and does not provide information about past activity.

Will People Know if I Checked Their Active Status?

No, LinkedIn does not notify users when someone views their profile or checks their active status.

Can I Still Receive Messages If My Active Status Is Off?

Yes, disabling your active status does not affect your ability to receive messages. You will still receive messages and notifications as usual.

Does Active Status Mean Someone is Actively Browsing LinkedIn?

Not necessarily. An active status indicates the user is currently using LinkedIn, but they could be engaging with the platform in various ways, such as reading articles, checking their inbox, or updating their profile.

Can The Green Dot Help Me Find Job Opportunities?

While the green dot itself does not directly lead to job opportunities, it can be a useful tool for networking and connecting with potential employers or recruiters. Interacting with your contacts when they are online can boost your exposure and likelihood of being selected for suitable opportunities.

Can The Green Dot On LinkedIn Be Misleading?

In some cases, yes. A user’s active status may not always accurately reflect their availability or willingness to engage in conversation. Some users may leave their LinkedIn session open while away from their device, resulting in a green dot even when they are not actively using the platform.

Can I Disable the Green Dot Feature on my LinkedIn Profile?

Yes, you can easily disable the green dot feature in your LinkedIn account settings. Navigate to the “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity” section and toggle the switch next to “Share your active status” to “No“.

Are There Downsides To Turning Off My Active Status?

The main downside to turning off your active status is that you will also be unable to see other users’ active statuses. This may limit your ability to identify optimal times for reaching out to connections.

Is It Appropriate To Message Someone On LinkedIn Just Because They Have a Green Dot Next To Their Name?

While the green dot can indicate a good time to reach out, it’s essential to consider the context and purpose of your message. Always ensure your communication is professional, relevant, and respectful of the recipient’s time and privacy.

Can I Customize Who Can See My Green Dot On LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn allows you to control who can see your active status. You can choose to display your green dot to all LinkedIn members, your connections only, or no one at all. These settings can be adjusted in the “Visibility of your LinkedIn activity” section of your account settings.


The green dot on LinkedIn is a powerful tool for enhancing your professional networking experience.

Understanding the significance of the green dot and utilizing it efficiently can enhance your visibility, help you connect with others at the right moments, and possibly lead to new opportunities.

However, it’s important to use this feature responsibly and respect others’ privacy preferences.

Whether you choose to display your active status or keep it hidden, remember that the key to successful networking on LinkedIn lies in building genuine, meaningful connections based on mutual interests and professional goals.

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